Man Altered Landscape

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Hydraulic mining in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s heavily altered the land in many areas of California. The tailings piles from gold mining in our area are quite impressive, if one can use that word. They’re still being altered through wildfire, as illustrated by the burned vegetation here.

They’ve become relatively heavily vegetated in the last 100 years, with both large trees and brush. The area along lower Clear Creek in Shasta County has quite a distinctive biota, with silver pines being the main tree.

Specific Feedback

What do you think of images like this? It’s rather prosaic and I’m not trying to convey a particular emotion. Having said that, though, I do like this area during the dim, flat light of winter.

I welcome any comments on the processing and overall quality.

Technical Details

Hand held, with polarizer. Basic processing in ACR & PS - burn & dodge, crop.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

For me, this type of image tells a story. I can’t say I find it compelling as a stand along image, but when the back story is filled in it becomes so much more. As a visual completion to your history, it works very well.

While I agree to a certain extent, with @John_Williams, that this image could be part of an even more powerful collection, I find that it is also quite effective as a stand alone. While the first impression is of chaos, there are some strong elements that lend structure to the image: the diagonal fold in the landscape that moves from bottom left up towards the top right, plus the opposing diagonals of the trees on the left and the right give my eye focus and containment. The green fall off at the bottom of the frame juxtaposed to the green of the struggling pines also serves to contain. The more I look at this image the more I appreciate it. I don’t find it prosaic. On the contrary, it has for me, an “ugly beauty” that is both tragic and hopeful.

I like this image very much. Before I had read the background you supplied I realised it must have been altered by man - the way the, still standing, trees lean (or have grown) at an unnatural angle speaks a lot to this. I like the gentle processing as well.

Thanks, @John_Williams, @Kerry_Gordon, and @DomMcKenzie. I do agree that it probably would be better as part of a series. The landscape around the area of this photo is quite striking - I just have to work on it.

Yes - ugly beauty is a good way to describe these kinds of scenes. They’re all around us now, at least for me. Everywhere I turn there is ugly beauty because of all the wildfires we’ve had.