Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This is another rediscovery on my drive back from 2006 and is a scene of the aftermath of a fire in the Sierras. Color was not there, in other words, there was no color to really move me. The fallen branches were stark white and that is what prompted a B&W treatment. I never considered this image at the time because at the top, through the trees, was just a blank white sky that pulled my eyes there and did not allow the attention to be on the fallen branches. I used to be a real stickler when it came to cropping as I wanted as much image resolution to work with for printing, But I cropped out the top and it is appealing to me now.
Specific Feedback
Does the image work? Does it evoke any emotion? Does it deserve a home on my drive or is it destined for the round file?
Technical Details
Shen-Hao 4x5, Nikon 150mm f5/6. Fuji Provia 100F. Scanned on Microtek M1 and processed in PS CS6