Mid summer sunset

During the mid summer the sun moves further south which can line up nicely with southern headlands on the Australian east coast. Here I was looking for lines, shapes and diffused side light as the sun was getting lower

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Any pertinent technical details:

34mm f11 iso 160 30s

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

I like the overall luminosity to this image, the light passing through the coastal mist. A bit more detail in the fg would have been nice. I think you lost it with the slow SS.

I think the interesting elements that you were looking for reside in the top half of the image. I would consider a panoramic crop that eliminates about half of the beach, this would place more emphasis on the interesting stuff that attracted you in the first place.

I really like your processing of the luminosity and contrast, you have achieved a very soft, dreamy feeling in this image. I just think that eliminating some of the negative space of the beach would make this an even stronger image.

This works well. Nice job on the processing contributing to the mood of the image. I would agree with Ed’s crop suggestion, but it still works as presented. The crop just emphasizes the shapes more, but at the cost of some depth.


Well done. A beautifully captured and seen image. I’m guessing the use of an ND filter in order to squeeze out a 30s exposure that includes the sun’s rays… :wink: I got to noticing that by seeing the effects on the waves - which I like very much btw.

I would agree with a crop too to emphasize the length, lines, etc. But perhaps only about 15% or halfway up to where the details of the pebbles? start near mid frame. There is detail and value in the glassy beach though, so I also think you’ve done well to present as is.


@Igor_Doncov thanks for your suggestion on the FG detail. I added some clarity to the FG and I think this has helped to bring out some texture in the sand.

I also check the saturation levels using the eye dropper tool and they were quite low so I’ve also added some vibrance to the revised image below.

@Ed_McGuirk, @Harley_Goldman, @Lon_Overacker I’ve cropped the revision below and I agree the crop works better. To me it helps place the viewer in the scene better. Thanks for the suggestion. Lon, I did use an ND filter and a circular polariser. The mist was visible to the naked eye by the long exposure emphasised the haze which what drew me to the scene. The LE was also effective in smoothing out a choppy wind effected ocean to create smoother lines.

This scene has a wonderful light airy feel to it that is thoroughly enjoyable, Nathan. I think your repost nailed it. Looks like a great way to end the day.

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