Mobius Arch

Classics are classics for a reason, this view of Mount Whitney through Mobius Arch is one of them. This is a very small area which doesn’t allow for a lot of “unique” perspectives of this shot. This image was taken at sunrise on a really cold morning with the wind blowing pretty good. I wanted a BW anyways so the blue bird sky didn’t effect my decision making too much.
I’m working my way to shooting BW only images and would love feedback from this group. I’m getting closer but have a ways to go.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any and all is appreciated.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any and all is appreciated.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Single exposure, various shadows/highlights adjustments to get the lighting and contrast how I wanted it.

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I think your b&w approach here is quite fitting for such an iconic location and viewpoint (although I’ve never been, I understand one is quite limited in vantage point options…) Also probably a wise decision given the blue-bird sky as you noted.

IMHO, the use of b&w creates the focus on the arch - and becomes the main subject with Whitney and the Sierra a backdrop. In color versions at sunrise it’s typically the warm first light, or alpen glow that draws attention thru the arch on to the range. Here, it’s a bit the opposite, and honestly quite effective. So kudos for this.

My only comment/suggestion is about the edges. I’m thinking I either want to see more space, left/right/bottom - OR less and go ahead and cut in to the rock. The arch is very nicely captured here. I’m just wondering if it needs more room?

Very minor, but am also wondering about the whispy cloud (old contrail?) in the UL quadrant. Hardly worth mentioning, but if you decide to print you may want to even that out - heck, if you’ve got the bluebird sky, might as well make it clean… :roll_eyes:


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Meaning drop color images altogether? I’d love to be better at black and white, but still love working with color too. I do find I have to think differently when approaching one or the other; I think I do better with black and white if I purposely seek it out (as opposed to converting an image I initially shot for color). I do like the challenge of black and white, though I think it would take a lifetime for me to master.

Lon hit the nail on the head for this image. BW really focuses on the arch, and it is a good effect.

Meaning capturing B&W directly, or capturing color and only processing as B&W?

I agree with the tightness comments from the others. But I do like how B&W makes the arch look so prominent. The way the left side of the arch pops out against the dark rock looks very sweet in B&W. I could see a second image cropped in tight on just that area for a more abstract image, which would be a different take on this tripod hole location.

If you started with a color image and converted it to B&W, it may be worthwhile to experiment with reducing the luminosity of the blues to darken the sky. This might give the arch even more prominence.