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Questions to guide your feedback
Does this image work for you?
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Image Description
Moccasin Brook in flood.
Technical Details
Sigma 70-200 f/2.8
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Hi Guy,
I always enjoy your images and this one is no exception. I am loving the graceful curve of the dynamic water flow and your chosen SS is perfect for this image as it has created some wonderful details and textures in the water. I particularly enjoy those squiggly sections along the right edge of the frame. In answer to your question; yes this definitely works for me. While I love this as is I can see a twofer in here. I hope you do not mind, but here is a crop that I am seeing. Just my opinion of course. You folks must be having a wet spring!
Hi @Ed_Lowe, I’m glad you like the image. I wish it was a wet spring… We still are in moderate drought. We have had a couple gully washers but it has been pretty dry in between. When the conditions are right you need to jump on it.
I am quite taken with this image. It is of course a brook with rushing water as titled, but it can easily be an abstract or any apparition you could imagine. The only technical suggestion I might make would be to darken the lower left corner a bit to give a little balance.
I think it works really well. I like the SS you’ve chosen and the composition with the gentle curve of the cascades imparting a sense of motion to the scene.
Guy, this is a good look at this small rapids. I like your ss choice as it keeps some good texture in the water. The S curve keeps my eyes moving through the frame. The big splash llc is a good “ending”. I do wonder how moving the S curve a bit to the left in the frame would look. (Admittedly, that might let the big splash dominate, which would not be good.)
Yes, this image works very well. I especially love the texture/flow you created. Personally, I think 1/4s is a sweetspot for many water flowing images; slow enough to show the motion, yet fast enough to retain lovely textures in the moving water.
I do see two competing elements and that is the very top concentration of water that starts the flow, and the bottom cascade, which nearly dominates. You’ve included enough for the viewer to know it’s important. And so, I’m favoring a crop much like Ed’s. I think his edit improves the overall composition. For me, the tall digital format often includes too much information. I’m thinking more of a 4x5 crop taking off the top, rather than square. Of course this is all subjective and the most important thing is what you prefer!
Again the texture is beautiful. The colors/texture/exposure and processing are right on.