Monarda fistulosa and Spittlebug



My Z9 came in and am in the process of testing out the camera. I was originally going to try some stacking with focus shift, but my Godox remote triggers were not playing nice. So, I then used a single shot lit by 2 flashes having different power and the image produced had no detectable noise at ISO 320.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Z9 105mm f2.8 micro (F18 at 1/8 sec., ISO 320) Topaz DeNoise AI for sharpening, Lavels, Camera raw filter, canvas rotation with BG fill, crop foir comp


Great to see an image from a Z9; I’ll bet you’ll love that as you have more time to play with it. Wonderful detail even without the stacking.

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I agree that there is enough here that we can see clearly how the flowers are placed and how the plant is put together. I especially like the way the leaves are attached at different points around the stem.

Congrats on the new rig and I hope the flashes get with the program. I just ordered my first flash in something like 30 years. It’s a Godox with remote trigger.

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Elegant shot Jim. I love that flower, we have a lot of it blooming right now in Wisconsin. Have a great time with that new rig.

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I’ve been missing your studio work, Jim. This is wonderful. Plenty sharp indeed. Have fun with the new Z9.

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Very nice shot. I like the flower’s gesture and the tones of the plant.

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An excellent study with your new camera, Jim. I like the lean of that plant - and you caught the bug itself. We used to call it cuckoo-spit in Ireland.

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