Critique Style Requested: In-depth
The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
The auroras
layering - auroras, mtn and hoarfrost
Creative direction
Hoping to have created a impactful image beginning with the hoarfrost finishing with the aurora
Specific Feedback
technical mainly please but whatever you feel
Technical Details
ISO 3200, F 2.8 2.5 seconds
Nikon Z9, 14-24mm at 14 mm
Minus 40 - walked a mile to this location - was able to stand out there from 11- 2. Had to return to the vehicle at that point
Fortunate that the neither the camera nor battery gave up except for the zoom in button
I did have 2 spare batteries in my jacket though