Moonset Joshua Tree & Sunrise Joshua Tree

Sunrise Joshua tree

Moonset Joshua tree

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Tried the day before to shot the full moon rise but it cover in clouds. These are from the next morning . Had my camera set up for the moon & turned around to find the sunrise (above photo)
Still getting use to how I work the website.
all comments are welcome

Technical Details

sunrise:ISO 200,1/50sec, aperture priority ,70mm
moonset ISO 200,.62sec. aperture priority, 147mm

Nice pair of images. I think I would try to bring out the shadows a tad more in the sunrise. With ISO 200, the resulting noise should be acceptable. I think I actually like the moonset image a little more. I would prefer it flipped 180 degrees with the moon on the right. That’s not a critique, just how my brain works, so just a personal preference.

Marti, both views are very nice. In the sunrise view, I see a few areas between the branches of the Joshua trees that look lighter than the surrounding sky. I’m guessing that you did some burning-in of the sky for stronger colors but what ever tool you used missed the areas surrounded by tree branches. In the moons set view, my suggestion would be to have moved slightly to get a bit more separation between the moon and the biggest J-tree. You’ve handled the moon’s brightness well. BTW, celestial mechanics tells us that the full moon rises/sets opposite to the sun and that works well for a couple of days on each side of the full moon, with the moon still looking full but either slightly leading or lagging the sunrise/set. That lets you plan moon rise/set views.

Very nice captures. That first one is well worth getting up early for.

Thanks will give it try.

Didn’t do any burning of the sky. Lots of clouds around.
Thanks for the input.

My thought also.

What a crazy bonus to catch that sunrise after the moon. A couple times I’ve been shooting something and upon turning around thought “Oh wow!”

I too would see if some shadow detail could be added.