Imagine having to unwind from a pod like this and then unfurl a great blue sail…every morning. And, all with a couple of aphids eating breakfast on you. It is easy to talk about “my flowers,” but, really, we have so little to do with them actually being the miraculous things they are. Just one of the reasons I love to see them and photography them.
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Technical Details
Sony 6000, 1/400, f/6.3, 200mm with close-up ring, ISO800 with adjustments to tone curves and slight adjustments to sharpening and noise reduction in LR
Super angle! The sharpness on the green bits (new buds?) is nice. Maybe doing a stack to get the petal sharp is something you can play with. Also I’d like to see some more contrast - you could tease apart the blue hues by using some color masking in Photoshop if you use that, possibly the color masking in Lightroom would do it, but Ps is more precise if you have the TK8 plug in. By making the dark blue darker and the light blue lighter, it might emphasize that soft light a bit. Just a thought! These must be a wonderful part of your garden.