Description: Morning coffee is all the more special with camera in hand, beautiful light and a couple of morning glory plants an arm’s length away.
Specific Feedback Requested: any and all
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Sony 6000, 1/100, f/11, 60mm, ISO500 with minor adjustments to tone curves in LR
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)
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John, I was immediately drawn to this image when I signed into NPN today. I love the unusual angle for photographing a morning glory blossom, especially allowing the diffused light to become the prominent feature of the photo. The soft blur throughout conveys the delicate nature of a flower. I also like the yellow base of the flower that is a little sharper focus and gives my eye a place to land. Lovely shot.
Really lovely patterns. Though it lacks some sharpness due to the compressed DOF, I think that actually works in the image’s favor by giving everything a softer feel that evokes the texture of flower petals. What a great choice for the theme.