I’m very happy with this composition, would be interested to hear differing opinions (and why). This trip back in April was my first real opportunity to focus on waterfall photography.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Interested in feedback on how I’ve processed this image (colors, exposure, etc.)
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Single frame, 0.6 second exposure w/polarizer.
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It fascinates me that this great shot could have been taken almost anywhere in the country. I’ve encountered very similar streams and terrain from the San Juan Islands in Washington to the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
But saying that doesn’t mean it’s common. It takes a lot of scouting and a fine photographic eye to find just the right elements in the right places and right light to produce a remarkable photo from familiar settings.
And I think you’ve achieved that here. Your shutter speed is just right for my tastes and the great “form” of the creek makes it a strong element in the comp as the open terrain backs up the effect. Top it off with the great light and detail where the stream passes from view, and it’s almost like a reward for letting your eye wander up the stream course. It makes me want to keep walking and exploring to points beyond.
Those are all subtle elements, but necessary to help an image rise up from the crowd. And you’ve certainly accomplished that. The only change I see has to do with my itinerary and more opportunities to explore small streams!
Michael, this is magnificent! Not only are the soft lighting and exposure close to perfection, the compositionally well crafted, strong diagonal progression of the stream from the pleasant warm light upstream, then down through the meander among all the lush green - it all comes together beautifully. Also looks like you really nailed the shutter speed when considering subject distance and water volume. My friend this little scene I think is about as good as it gets, makes me want to sit and enjoy the experience, and of course takes loads of frames.
If I had one tiny nitpick, I would burn down that bit of bright patch (lichen?) on the right side just under the large sloped rock, kind of tugs at the eye. Overall, this is top drawer imagery!
Fine shot, Michael. The comp is top notch with the stream meandering through the image and the mossy:vulcan_salute: greens really draw your eye. This is only my opinion and runs counter to the two previous comments, but I would boost the levels just a tad, not too much.
As you should be! This is an outstanding composition Michael. The flow of the creek, the balance and arrangement of all the elements - just feels comfortable and right.
Then there’s the light, mood and atmosphere - brings this image up another notch. There’s something almost dreamy about this - but can’t put my finger on it - I just know I love this.
Processing is excellent and love the colors as presented.
I wouldn’t call this a nit, but more personal choice. I’m wondering if you added some vignetting? Given the soft light throughout, I wouldn’t go very far, but you might consider dodging the darker LRC - just a smidge. Also, while you’re at it, around the base of the tree in the ULC to closer match the luminosity of the leaf litter in that area. No biggie, very subtle stuff.
Oh, and I love the glow in the bg above the stream.
Thank you, Hank, for the praise! It was an amazing location (the whole long weekend was filled with them)… for the record, this is somewhere in Arkansas.
Thanks, Bill! I appreciate the comments. Totally agree about the bright patch, classic example of something I intended to address and then my eyes went a bit blind to it over the course of editing.
Hey Michael, thanks for taking the time to comment. May be a silly question but it’s somewhat early and I haven’t had my second cup of tea yet… are you referring to exposure levels or saturation, or…?
Little to add to what’s already been said. Very strong comp, great lighting, controlled color palette, excellent exposure, moss looks inviting. Only distraction to my eye is the high-frequency detail & brightness of the leaf-litter and the small trees in the URC. For me, I would burn this through a luminance mask (if possible) to take down some of the brightness that’s pulling my eye away from the primary and secondary and tertiary elements (stream, mossy rocks, flow of light, major trees). Thanks for sharing…very enjoyable to view.
Good suggestion on the upper left corner, Lon. Looking at it with fresh eyes that section does feel a bit over darkened (and I did intentionally darken it to keep the focus on the stream running through the frame). I have a hunch that by lightening that corner a bit it will balance better with the lower right.
Hey Jim, thanks for commenting. That one small tree in particular in the upper right does bother me. I’ve burned it some already, should probably go back and see what I can do to tone it down just a touch more. Granted, I already know it’s there but it does seem to tug my eye a bit once I get about 2/3 of the way up the frame as I follow the stream into the scene.
Yes Michael, exposure levels. It could be my monitor. I realize under the moody lighting conditions, the scene will be dark, but to my eye, it’s still a tad too dark. But it’s probably just me since it looks fine to everyone else. It’ a top notch image.
Perfect, thanks. I think if I take @Lon_Overacker’s suggestion and lighten the upper left corner some that may address your impression of slight underexposure, as well.
Wonderful composition and processing. You could have easily oversaturated that moss for more ‘punch’ by cooling the image but you didn’t and that’s a credit to you. I agree that the upper left side could be dodged a bit with a corresponding addition of saturation.
The composition carries the viewer through the scene nicely and the moss (and the greens) are exceptional components to the scene. Its hard to find this much color pre-spring conditions. Great location and great image.
This is a lovely scene with the mosses and the diagonal placement of the stream draws me into the image beautifully. Your repost with the dodging in the ULC has helped balance the tones in the scene and works nicely. I really like the color palette here.