
What technical feedback would you like if any? Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any

Any pertinent technical details: Taken with Canon SX50, F/4, 1/250 sec, ISO 100. Added a vignette filter and soft focus filter in NIK. I know this could have gone in floral category as well. If moderators want to switch it, be my guest.

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This is beautiful. Absolutely love the vibrant color and the soft details. What I mean by that, and this is quite interesting, is that the details are actually quite fine and detailed - ok, that’s redundant, but the processing and techniques applied there’s still an appealing softness throughout. Guess I don’t know how to express that…

For me, the vignetting works more like a veiled frame rather than a soft vignette; making the flower look square/rectangle. Did you try a more rounded vignette? Not a biggie, still lovely.


Exquisite detail and unusual bloom.
Love the green center, although it might be a tad bright (from here).
The combination of straight and curled petals makes this unique.

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Lon. The reason for the squarish (if that’s a word) vignette vs. round is because of the off centered position of the flower. Round just didn’t work and so I tried other options, including the resulting colored vignette. That’s why it ended up in photo art and not floral. The result was a little different than my usual and I’m searching for new ideas.


Will tone down the green. Thanks for your input.

Thanks for the response Patricia. There is most always a good explanation why a photographer made the decisions they did. Makes sense, and great job working the options.