Near Juanita Bay at dawn, Kirkland WA


What technical feedback would you like if any? All feedback welcome

What artistic feedback would you like if any? All feedback welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

1/200 sec at f/9, 1600 ISO, Nikon Z6 with Nikkor 28-300 zoom set at 55mm, post-processed with Lightroom and Luminar 4

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below. @eweljim

Jim, welcome to NPN, this is a wonderfully creative first post !!!

The silhouettes of the trees and hawk are very graphic, and your choice to process this in B&W certainly reinforces the graphic nature of this image. The hawk is in a great position relative to the trees, so your timing here was really good. I also like how you have a smaller row of secondary trees near the base of the taller trees, it creates a nice repetition of shapes.

My primary suggestion would be to do some border patrol to remove potential distracting elements near the frame edges. The trees on the far right pulls my eye away from the center of the image, and I do not see it as a framing element (it also looks cut in half, which adds to the distraction).
The leaning tree on the far left unfortunately leads the eye outside the frame as well… I would suggest a tighter crop to focus more attention on the center of the image. If you don’t mind, I downloaded your image and did a crop to illustrate my point.

First off welcome to the NPN community, Jim! The conversion to B&W has made for a wonderfully graphic image. As @Ed_McGuirk has already mentioned the placement of the hawk is perfect. I also agree with his border patrol suggestion and think that his repost has nailed it. I hope to see more of your images in the future.

Thanks for the kind words and the very useful feedback. I agree with your point about border patrol and will adjust the crop per your suggestion. I look forward to submitting other images and participating in the community.


Thanks Ed for both the kind words and for emphaziing @Ed_McGuirk feedback .

Hi Jim, welcome in NPN. Very interesting scene, I like composition and timing to capture the bird. Regarding post processing, I see too much glow in the lights, i would reduce it a little bit. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the welcome and the feedback. Jim


Welcome to NPN! Great to have you here and I think your first post is terrific. The silhouette of the trees works well on it’s own, but the presence of the gliding raptor(?probably?) really adds a wonderful touch and story to the image.

Other than Ed’s crop suggestion, not much I would change. I really like the moody atmosphere too.

Welcome aboard. We look forward to more and welcome your participation.
