There are many things about this picture that I like. The choices you’ve made around colour and tone work very well (although I might be tempted to desaturate the darker greens just a tad). And so, if your intention is to share a sense of atmosphere or mood then I’d say you’re on the right track.
My problem with this picture is more about composition. You have a river bed, which is clearly the strongest element in the picture and which acts as a leading line. Anyone looking at this image is going to follow the river. The problem, from where I sit, is that it doesn’t go anywhere. It just ends and, in a way, I feel let down. It is as if I went to a movie that is building to a climax that never happens. I leave the cinema feeling let down. So, as I say, you have some wonderful elements in this picture but if you can get back there, try experimenting with composition such that you can use the line of the river to better effect. I hope this is helpful.
A nice, peaceful, inviting scene. I would clone out the brown foliage creeping in from the bottom center and there seems to be a little noise in the ULC. I was going to suggest opening up the shadows in the LRC but I think it enhances the brown leaves too much. Nice shot.