The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This image is captured on a meadow in Denmark during winter, characterized by low light, rain, defoliation and a slightly melancholic feeling. In short, not very photogenic. If one looks closer, however, it has its own visual language with texture, form, rhythm and drama, and I tend to think that this scene is an example of it.
Specific Feedback
• Emotional reaction?
• Processing? Especially dodging and burning at the top and bottom.
Technical Details
Camera: Nikon D850
Lens: Sigma 35 mm f1.4
Capture: 2,5 sec. at f11, ISO 80
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Hi Leo, I really like this image you have shared with us. The faster rhythms of the grass stalks balance well against the more flowing forms of the branches. Your B&W conversion has lovely glowing tones of the softly lit scene. There is so much precisely rendered detail for the eye to explore. Well seen and processed!
My emotional reaction is what you noted, that melancholic feeling. I think that grass in this stage is a great way to express that, and one my goals is to photograph grass in this stage myself. I think black and white works very well in this situation, as your photo demonstrates, and your use of the trunks to overlay the scene adds a unique element of interest.
I think the processing works well as is. In the spirit of how different people like different levels of spice in their food though, I personally would increase the contrast by taking it darker overall; I think that would add to the melancholy.
Hi Leo,
I quite like this B&W scene. IMO it perfectly captures the melancholic mood you were striving for. It is a bit chaotic, but I also think it works due to the layering of the grasses on the bottom with the downed trees on top. This also has a nice range of tones and I love the luminosity of the grasses. I could see adding just a little contrast, but that is more of a personal preference and not a nit. Very nicely done!
What an interesting image. I had to look long to decide what my reaction is. I don’t feel its a sad image. Perhaps because I choose to not do so. I see this as impediment to aspirations. The need to overcome.
You mean beautiful, pleasing to the senses. No, it’s not that. But it is a meaningful images and in my opinion meaningfulness trumps beauty, always.
The more I’ve viewed this, the more I like it. Very much reminds me of a meadow in Yosemite - and of course this type of image could be captured anywhere (and so it’s not important here to know “where” this was taken, but more important to understand the what and the why"
I like Igor’s take. I don’t feel meloncholy. To me this captures nature’s lifecyle; fallen trees will eventually decay and return it’s nutrients to the earth. And the grasses, ephemeral; coming and going thru the seasons. This to me captures that story.
Interesting too, I’m always coining the phrase “order from chaos” and in this case, I think the grasses are the “order” and the branches are th “chaos”. And together they tell that nature story.
And as jumbled and chaotic as thos branches are, there is nothing really that distracts my eye.
Processing, including tones and contrast are excellent