Oklahoma's OK

This of course isn’t Oklahoma but it has the feeling from the Broadway musical. It’s just missing a “couple of hawks lazily circling in the sky”. Actually, this is the Malheur wildlife preserve, shot before all of it’s notoriety. We had left the Steens Mountain area and were heading for Burns when I saw this image of low puffy clouds drifting over a field of green. It just felt so positive that morning.

Just like the song says “Oh, what a beautiful morning”.

Igor, the blue/green really pop especially with the fine collection of scattered clouds. The texture in the greens of the foreground work very well at adding interest to the land. Those puffy clouds are called fair weather cumulus in weather circles and this image sure shows off why.

Talk about a beautiful spring day! This has a great cheery mood and is very uplifting. No suggestions here.

Nice take for the WC, Igor. I’m a sucker for some of the old classic musicals. It’s interesting, without the distant mountains it looks just like the Everglades. I really like the detail of the grasses.

If this doesn’t speak “open spaces,” then nothing does. This is wonderful Igor. And for the laymen, this could be anywhere, the Serengeti, the plains of Australia - or Kansas…

Love the processing - green fields, perfect blue sky and storybook clouds.

No nits. Thanks for entering this in the WC.


My family loved musicals as well. When we first saw Oklahoma in the movie theater we couldn’t speak a word of English. I was learning in school but my parents didn’t have that benefit. Dad used to call that song ‘Oklahoma Ma Ma’. True story. It wasn’t until I got a cd that I got the words right.

This has a lovely airy summertime feel to it, Igor. The processing looks very natural and the blue/green combo of colors is superb; all topped off with some great looking clouds. Great choice for the WC.

Definitely a joyful mood in these wide open spaces, Igor! I like how the darker grasses mimic the clouds in the sky. Good choice for the challenge!