This is gorgeous light and color Sandy. I love your placement of the loon in this and the misty reflections of the trees. The ULC greenish area took a while to catch my attention, but it is a touch distracting. The reflecting green color in the LLC doesn’t seem to. Beautiful.
Sandy, it’s very much an “On Golden Pond” scene, with the loon and the glowing mist. I’m having a hard time understanding how the golden sky and clouds turn green in the upper left corner.
This is a great scene you have captured as already mentioned by @Ed_Williams and @Mark_Seaver. It must have been awesome seeing it in person! I had a couple other suggestions to the ULC ones. I noticed some bright areas that I thought took away from viewing the star, i.e. the loon. There were a couple bright streaks in the clouds in the URC and in the mist in the middle right areas. I also noticed a weird hatch pattern in the middle right bright area. I have seen that kind of thing in the past when I have used Topaz to denoize my images. In photoshop I attempted to take away the brightness in the areas I mentioned. In addition I tried to make the upper left along with its reflection a little less noticeable. (I struggled with this adjustment, but I hope this looks better). Hopefully these adjustments encourage some discussion.
Thanks for the thoughts! The first revision you posted had some weird artifacts in the lower left; this new version is better.
I revised a bit and posted the edit. Thanks again!
The golden light is flat out gorgeous as is the mood with the morning mist. Of course the loon is the finishing touch to this lovely scene. My only suggestion was the already mentioned ULC and your rework helps with that. This had to be wonderful to witness this first hand.