On Lotus Pond + Rework



Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The conditions at Lotus Pond in the local arboretum were difficult (at least 36 deg C and bright sun), but these dragonflies (Rhyothemis fuliginosa) love that, and show off their iridescence in the brightness. This male came back often to the vertical perch, so I took a vertical shot.

Specific Feedback

I had two problems, the bright light, and a lens I seldom use because I never seem to get the subject sharp enough in it. My eyes tell me this is pretty sharp, but sharp enough? I didn’t try stacking because the conditions seemed unsuitable for a tripod. Maybe one day. (The slow ss was an accident).

Technical Details

D7100 300mmf4 1/80 f14 ISO 800

Some blotches removed from BG. Some added Contrast and Vibrance in PS. Straightening and cropping.

Hi Mike,

There’s a slight loss of sharpness in the head and thorax, and highlights are very strong as well. If you pick a bright and hazy day, this one will make an awesome shot. The iridescent wings look fine and the BG is not too flashy and adds something to the comp. …Jim

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I love those wings of this one, Mike. I don’t think we have any like that here in the US, or at least in these parts. @Jim_Zablotny has already mentioned the details and the brightness, so I won’t bother. Still an enjoyable position showing off those gorgeous wings.

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Mike, I do see a slight softness around the head & body…but the color and the wings out pose take over this photo. Very nice.

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Gorgeous DF!! The softness around the head may just be DOF – even at f/14 the DOF is very shallow when this close to a subject. I wonder if the contrast on the wings could be a bit lower and maybe lower the saturation of the greens? But a very worthy image as is!

Yes @Diane_Miller - it looks more natural, and better now - rework above.

OK! Please commune with your lotus pond for me. My semi-local one is sadly gone. It fell victim to a crew hired to clean out some water weed in a nearby pond (not THAT near) and they got a bit carried away and destroyed a growth of gorgeous and highly-valued lotus. They have given it a couple of years but it is obviously gone.

I assume (and hope) it will be re-planted.

Mike, I like the changes you made. I will add + Rework with the title so others will know that you have made changes to your image.

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