One Among Many

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I have been wanting to get into wide-angle macro/closeup photography for a while. So for my birthday I got a RF 16mm lens that focuses 5.1 inches to infinity. I found this field of sunflowers so last night my husband and I drove out to it. After just a few shots he asked haven’t you got enough pictures yet? So we soon left. I could have tried a lot more, but I didn’t want to hold him up.

Specific Feedback

Does the composition work? Should I have got one without the bee? Anything that you can suggest that would help.

Technical Details

Canon R5, RF 16mm lens, KX-800 twin flash and DIY diffuser, HH. Settings all manual at 1/200, f7.1, ISO 200. Basic editing in LR.

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Shirley, congratulations on the very fine B-day gift. Seems to be doing a wonderful job here right out of the box so to speak. Although you might not have any without the bee I would not hesitate to do a CA or Clone to see how it works for you personally. I think it would be an improvement as the bee seems like a distracting eye draw from the rest of the scene overall… :thinking:
Regardless, this is a neat image to make changes as you feel good about…I really like it… :sunglasses:

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Shirley, a neat idea to align roughly half of the flower with the horizon. I like the bee; maybe clone out the horizon tree on the right edge? Your lens got you a nice set of clouds, too, which enhances the environment.

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Lovely subject with great sharpness and nice DOF dropoff. Looks like the lens is a winner!!

I wonder about brightening the flower a little. LR now has some amazing selection tools that should allow that and let you hold down the sky and BG.


Enough pictures? Surely not. :laughing: But it can be a bore for non-photographers to sit and watch. I think the composition looks great and I like the bee. With the field rows being so obvious, I think it’s ok. I might have tried covering the flowers immediately behind and to the right of the main one, but that might not have been possible. If you have a mind, try lifting the exposure in the center of the flower a bit and see if that helps. It’s a tad muddy and with that touch of backlight I think you could make it work. What a great birthday present - glad you got something that makes you happy since you couldn’t go on your break.