Peeking Ferns

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I like how these plants come out of the darkness. I also like wet foliage because it glistens. This was a substantial crop so I guess what I don’t like is that I didn’t shoot this composition full framed. I like the relationship between the cooler maple in the back and the warm fern in the front. I composed this because I thought they worked well together. Like a melody and accompaniment in music.

Creative direction

I’m trying to express the freshness of new life in Spring.

Specific Feedback

I’m looking for aesthetic, emotional, and technical feedback.

Technical Details

GFX50R, 45-100mm, f/11, focus stacked and merged


I saw this by the side of a trail at the Olympic National Forest on the way back to the campground. There was still another fern in front of this one but I decided to simplify things in processing.

Ferns make great subjects. There’s something about them and you found a great section of them for this photo. i like the spray and the arrangement. The light suits it well - the middle section of fronds is especially nice although I’d have left a touch more room on the left. Some dodging and burning and maybe color cloning could help with cohesion should that be a goal. Nice one.

I see what you mean. I noticed that as well. The merging of stacked images caused part of the left to be lost. I can easily fix that.

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Igor, what a beautiful study in color and texture. The lines in the fronds of the brightest fern point to a darkened area then more fronds take me to the maple. What a pleasant journey through the composition. The competing fern at the bottom left points out of the composition. Some dodging might decrease its pull. I also do “border patrol” and ask what demands too much attention at the picture’s edges. The introduction of the patch of rust-colored fronds at the bottom and the clump of lighter maple leaves in the upper right-hand corner catch my eye, as do the brighter fronds in the lower left. Some selective dodging would make them less competitive. But these are just my personal reactions . Thanks, Igor, for sharing a bit of the forest with us.

Yes, the maple and the fern make a nice composition. Did you say this is stacked images? If so, the maple leaves don’t appear to be lined up correctly.

If you’re trying to convey a spring-like atmosphere, it might be good to brighten things by raising just the lights (not exposure, because you wouldn’t want to lose the sense of appearing from the dark depths).

The sense of Spring I’m trying to convey is through freshness. That’s being brought about by wetness and rich green colors. I’m not after greater contrast. Thank you for looking, though.

Oh I love everything about this shot. The color is so rich. I could get lost in a grove of ferns…serious. I love shooting them. I planted many in my garden this spring in hopes to make my own garden of them one day. Anyhow…I think its an excellent shot. I can feel the coolness of the forest and the peace that it brings.