Perspective and Reflections on Detraining

Perspective and Reflections on Detraining

Looking back at this image disembarking from a nature experience on the Alaska Railroad, I did a little tweaking to get the image perfectly vertical. Then the perspective, reflections, and human interest emerge for me. What do you think.

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Is this a composite: No
Nikon D500, 24mm, 1/40th sec, f8, ISO 280

This is a very cool shot, Larry. I love the perspective the lines converging in the distance, and the reflections. The colors are a very nice compliment to each other as well. I would love to have a bit more room on the left, but that’s minor since the really subject is the train and reflections. Nicely seen.

Thanks, David. It was not possible to add more space on the left. Also, there was not anything there worthy of being in the image. Thanks for your reply and compliment.

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