Pied Kingfisher

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback


Other Information

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Image Description

On the banks of the Shire River in Malawi. These birds are quite common. They catch their fish hovering and return to their perch.

Technical Details

Rework of an older image. Panasonic GX*8 Leica DG 100-400 (200-800 equivalent)

Hello, First impression…lovely portrait with good detail and great eye catch. I am distracted by the twig that lines up with the bird’s eye stripe, and the bit of branch in the lower right. So hard to capture kingfishers in my experience…well done!

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Nice pose on the kingfisher with a slant in our direction. Nice view of eye and beak. Well exposed whites that contrast well with the surroundings. BG is a bit busy but the bird still commands my attention. Bird is well placed in the frame.

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First Impression, Jaapv: A very cool bird, with an unfortunately ugly background that keeps pulling my attention away from the bird. I’m not sure what could be done about that background without some really major work. If this bird is common, as you say, I’d call this a record shot and try for better (assuming you’re planning on being there again). The detail in the bird is very good. I do see a couple of spots in the whites that look pretty featureless, but they’re not large enough to matter. I like the pose and the perch.