The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Saw this woodpecker this morning while on a bird count with the local ornithological society.
Specific Feedback
This bird was seen in the understory of the woods with the bird in shade and a fairly bright sky behind. In post processing, I dodged the whites on the bird to bring them up to a reasonable brightness. I cloned out a tree trunk on the right edge and subsequently toned down the brighter sky leaving a slight hint of distant structure. How does all that look?
Technical Details
Canon R7, 200-800@800mm, handheld
ISO 4000, f9, 1/640s
Processed in DXO PureRaw 4 and Photoshop.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Wow, gorgeous! A bird I’ve never managed to get a good pose from. There was a similar one in Brazil I’ll post at some point…
Fine detail here, in the bird and the interesting bark. Bright eye and clean BG -
your processing worked perfectly.
Processing looks good to me, Allen. I still need to find a good location for them here, as I only have one image of these and I really like them. Your handling of the sky works nicely, and I the results of your work on the woodpecker look like nice even lighting typical of understory on an overcast day.
This bird is on my Top Target (!) list when I visit NC in March (together with Bald Eagle and Wood Duck). This excellent shot has fueled my enthusiasm, Allen. It looks like you may even have caught a sliver of pecked timber near the tail, which would be a cool detail.