Pots of Gold +edits and extra rainbow in comments





Reworked top image to remove rusted metal, LLC, played with reducing stitch anamolies
2nd image, targeted highlights in the rainbow and clouds, slightly brightened foreground rock, slight contrast increase in storm below rainbow.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


A tale of two different days. I mentioned in my previous post, “Pacific Mood” how it was a day of bluebird skies. Well, just the day before was the end of an “atmospheric river” and a what a glorious day! Fierce winds, cold and rain, sun coming and going… and what happens during those conditions? Rainbows! Yeah, rainbows are like sunsets, we’ve all seen and photographed them. ho hum. Today however, my wife and I got to see no less than six different rainbows in a span of just over an hour. Not the same rainbow over the same scene over a matter of minutes, but at least six different ones, different locations forcing u-turns, emergency parking… you know the drill. It was a glorious afternoon.

Specific Feedback

Aside from the usual feedback, composition, processing, colors, etc. etc., I’m really looking to see which of the two images you prefer and why. The second image (was the first captured) is a single frame at 26mm. Immediately after that was captured, I did a quick seven vertical image to be stitched. You can see obvious anomalies in the stitched version - most notably in the water.

As always, your comments and feedback welcome!

Technical Details

Nikon Z7ii, 24-200mm
Top image @ 34mm 7-image pano stitch handheld, f/11 1/400s @ iso 400
bottom image @26mm single frame handheld, f/10 1/320s @iso 400

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I love those sort of days that are in and out of cloud with a smattering of showers and then get a magnificent double rainbow to boot.

Hands down, I like the second image. It looks more natural, to me, without the curvy shoreline. I also love the seabird flying through the second image. He maybe a distraction to some. If I was to adjust anything in the second image, it would be to tame the brighter highlights in the rainb ow.

In the top image; the bottom left corner, darker triangle also draws my eye. The anomalies you mentioned in the first don’t worry me.

Hi Lon,
Six rainbows; I hope you have a couple more to show us! That sounds like my kind of weather. While I like both of these images my favorite is the single frame capture. The rainbow is a little more vivid in color in that one and I like the LLC and the URC corners a little better as they seem to be a bit more tidy and cleaner. I hope that makes sense. The gull was a pleasant surprise and perfectly placed. Beautifully done.



I like the curved foreground in the stitched version as it acts as a counterpoint shape to the rainbow if that makes any sense, but I like the rainbow better in the single frame as well as having that seagull in it as well.

Nice Lon!. I much prefer the single image. I just do not care for180 degree stitched panos. IMHO they’re always quite obvious with the curved FGs. I love the single frame image, colors, comp, processing all look great to me. Must have been glorious fun seeing all those rainbows. I think I’ve only had the chanceto photograph one or two my whole life.

A stirring grand scene, Lon, and I envy your experience of the day you described. What is it that Sam Abel said - “Bad weather makes good pictures”. I love “bad” weather, not just because it makes good pictures but because of the energy that I feel running through my body when I’m in the midst of it. This picture evokes that mood in me - the charged energy of the day. Having read the comments, I feel like a bit of an outsider because I prefer the stitched image. I like the way the curving shore line is mirrored in the curve of the clouds in the upper portion of the frame. I feel it enhances the sweep and expanse that a pano aspect ratio implies.

SIX?? In ONE DAY? Could you sprinkle some of that fairy dust on the rest of us?

I think you have two veeery cool winners here. A couple of minor points about the first might be addressed. I still have yet to try PTGui but I wonder if it might address the stitching issues. (Although the water movement might need some real magic.) Some folks here use it – I remember @Paul_Holdorf and probably others – maybe they could comment.

Color me green with jealousy! Hope we get to see a bunch more from that trip!

Thank you so much @glennie ,@Ed_Lowe, @Youssef_Ismail , @Michael_Lowe , @Kerry_Gordon and @Diane_Miller .

Very cool to see the different responses and preferences.

Makes total sense - for me anyway! :slight_smile: I originally preferred the stitched version because of the curve of the shore - Of course that is a direct result of the ACR stitching - and I can’t recall which setting I used, “spherical,” “cylinder” or “perspective”, but clearly the curve is a result of the stitch, and not the natural view. What’s weird too, is even though the focal length was longer (34mm) in the stitch, the result makes it appear that the focal length was effectively wider than the single frame at 26mm. Interesting.

I almost cloned out that gull because he’s so tiny in the frame, but left him in I guess just because it’s cool he’s flying thru the rainbow. I’m glad I left in and that a couple of you noticed and liked the bird being there.

A couple of you also mentioned the dark corner in the stitched version. I agree and have modified with a slight crop and stamp-clone to remove. I also used TK’s luminosity masks to tame the highlights - not only in the rainbow, but also ended up dropping the highlights in the clouds.

Exactly! Kerry, thank you for this comment and reference as the experience was exhilarating and although there was no thunder/lightning with this storm, the wind and conditions certainly had energy and I agree, it’s always an experience to be part of “bad weather” or any conditions really that take us out of our comfort zones.

Thanks Diane! Not sure if I’ll bore you with that many rainbow images… maybe another one. But here’s a teaser. Does a double rainbow count as two? LOL! Oh, and thanks for the tip on PTGUI. I recall this, but have not invested or tried. Something to think about for sure!

Thanks again everyone!

oh, here’s a double. Taken just 16 min after these, different location.

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I am partial to the 4th version, @Lon_Overacker. The rainbow seems a bit more intense and there is some virga (at least more noticeable virga) being framed by the rainbow. If it isn’t virga it might be lower and lighter clouds but whatever it is, it adds a lot to the scene. I do kind of like how the FG rocks form a V in the first image, too. Lovely photo set!

Lon, I too vote for V4, largely because the hint of the double bow shows the best. I also like the seagull near the left end of the main bow. It does feel a bit dark. I do like the light rocks in the foreground and the long view across the ocean.

Sounds like a fun chase you were having! Those are all pretty sweet Lon. I really like that third image, but maybe with the very brightest parts toned down like they appear in the fourth? Regardless, the rainbow is the star here and everything complements it nicely.