Hi Mike,
I prefer the space as it adds to the action in the photo. Excellent sharp image. What is the chance you would be lucky enough to have them scrap over the single fish when there was others lying in the water.
Holy c–p!! This is awesome!! The crop is completely inconsequential!!! I hope you were on a 20 fps capture mode! I have the feeling that whomever won died trying to swallow it! Do we get to know?
It’s amazing enough that one of them (or maybe both in concert) managed to capture a fish of this relative size.
Great action photo. The churning water? Fine with me. Could even have a bit more. I’m having a bit of trouble understanding the whole picture. Is the third cormorant on the bottom with the fish in its mouth and the other two trying to take it away?
In the first 2 (of the same bird), you see how it swallowed a sizeable fish. In the third shot,4 birds tried to swallow another fish, but they all had to give up. Yes, Laura, there are many smaller fish, but when you’re a cormorant, you go for broke, especially when another bird has gone to the trouble of catching the fish for you. As for the shot submitted, the bird on the left swallowed the fish and lived to tell the tale. There are only two birds, Jim; the one further back is using its wing like humans might use their fist, to try unsuccessfully to throw the bird with the fish off-balance.
Mike, this is a strong action shot. The facial expression (and eye) of the bird on the left is pretty striking. The churning water is a good touch. I’m guessing that there are more fish coming in from the lower left. Looks like quite the feeding frenzy…!