I guess I’ve gotten caught up a bit with bark compositions recently. It’s just that I find that to be one of the most compelling subjects at the Del Norte Redwood forests. Here’s one more. This happens to be a young sapling growing out of the base of an old redwood. I just liked the variety of shapes, tones, and colors in this intimate. I really don’t know why I picked this one over another one. The trail was full of possibilities.
I took some liberties with the colors during the processing. What do you think?
This is a very beautiful image, while I don’t have any suggestions on how it may be improved, it might be beneficial to know that I think everything here is working nicely! I love the subtlety of the smooth main subject here against the textured background. The color is also very pleasing and natural. Well done!
Igor, one of the few times I can identify “emotional” response to an image… you want to talk about shape, tone and color…
Really though, to me this immediately brought up numerous metaphors and meanings that could be attached; it’s oozing with symbolism! “You sure have your father’s genes…” “The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree” (ok, I know it’s not an oak, but you get the idea…) , “You’re going to grow up big and strong like your Daddy…” Or simply the concept of how the elders, the mature, the nurturer’s - protect, shelter and guide their young. Grampa with the grand child on his lap telling stories from times past… A mother protecting her young from harm - and what stories to tell of the scars the young one has already endured… Anyway, the stories could go on…
So this one captures and evokes some meaning and emotion for me. shock.
Technically, the colors are spot on and the only suggestion I have would be to tone down the highlight strip of bark in the ULC. Not a big deal, but draws the eye a little bit.
Not sure if you saw any of this Igor, but a great image, telling stories of ones imagination.
I don’t know what your other choices were when you say you picked this over the others, but the mix of lines in this is superb Igor. The multiple triangles mixed with diagonals is a very compelling intimate. Well done.
Thank you for your comments. This one didn’t seem to garner much interest. I made a large print of it and it looks quite good but it does look pretty dark and you have to get close to it to appreciate it because much of the beauty is in the details. I would raise the exposure but dark images often have a glow to them that you lose when they’re brightened. The upper left corner, though, really needs to have the highlights darkened.
Pretty sure this was posted while I was on my trip so I’m just now seeing this. I too spent a lot of time photographing bark on my recent trip so I totally understand where you’re coming from with this image. I love the soft light, and the colors are working perfectly for me. I also do not think you should brighten this at all. The redwood forest is a very dark and surreal place so I would not change anything.
This reminds me of a family unit. The sapling being taken care of by both parents (I see two different trees although it is probably just one large tree). A close knit family. This image certainly resonates with me but I think it has to be seen large to really appreciate. The textures and lines are amazing.