Reeds of Gold

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Morning golden hour. The water was in shadow and sunlight cast a golden glow on the reeds making for a nice contrast.

Specific Feedback

Any comments appreciated.

Technical Details

1/80 sec. @f8, ISO 500

1 Like

Oh, what a lovely take on reeds! Just gorgeous. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Avery pleasing image to view, as it holds your attention, while you sort through the reeds against this somewhat dreamy background. Nicely done !!!

Fantastic, Chris! I agree with Bonnie Lampley: I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s wonderful as-is.

@Michael_Thornton @Bonnie_Lampley @Jmill59 Thank you for your kind comments.

Chris, the contrast between the reeds and the rest looks great. I also like how the water goes from darker to lighter, bottom to top.

@Mark_Seaver Thanks, Mark.