Following up on @Ed_McGuirk’s question to me about whether I had images of intimate scenes during dramatic light, I shot this reflection with branches as an alternative to shooting the light directly. Admittedly, this is a low-quality image since I shot it with my phone but it illustrates the point. I wish I’d had my DSLR!
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For whatever reason, I feel that the image feels busy, Matt, perhaps it’s just the organization of the branches and how it intersects with the reflection of the distant trees. The color is gorgeous though and I see what you mean about utilizing this kind of light on a more intimate scene. It’s something that I definitely have not done enough.
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The diagonal line of the reflected light on the cloud is beautiful, and somewhat mirrors the direction of the branches. I agree with @Adhika_Lie about simplifying the image here and could see the value of excluding the reflected trees, and perhaps even the highlit sky in upper left corner. I appreciate you following up with this and reinforcing the message about shooting smaller scenes while taking advantage of beautiful light.
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After reading @Jim_McGovern’s suggestion, I went back and browser cropped the top of the image. I like the result! It helps the eye focus on the angles framed by the branches and their reflection, and still keeps the beautiful reflected light. Time to go back with the big gun!
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I would also agree with the suggestions to crop the top and eliminate the big hot spot. It nicely simplifies the image and takes away a big magnet to my eye.
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Matt I have to agree with Adhika that this is a a good example of shooting intimate scene in dramatic light. Like Adhika, I’ll admit that it is not something that I’ve done often, I’ve fallen into the habit of primarily looking for intimates on overcast days. But I thank you for making me think about other alternatives.
I do agree with @John_Williams suggestion to crop away from the top, eliminating the white patch.
If your scene did not have that white patch, I think the comp would work as presented. But I’d prefer to eliminate it and focus the viewer on the shapes and colors below.
But again, thank you for opening my eyes to some other possibilities.
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Thanks for carrying this conversation forward, @Adhika_Lie, @Harley_Goldman, @John_Williams, @Ed_McGuirk, @Jim_McGovern.
Yes, I like to think there are scenes I have yet to capture, so I just keep pushing myself to turn ordinary scenes into photographs. This was one of them. The light was just so incredible.
As I look through my catalog for other intimate scenes in magic light, I find a majority of them are similar reflection scenes. Looks like I have some work to do!
I also practice openness to taking advice so I cropped the image to remove the distracting light and horizon to the following. I’m happier with the result. Thanks for the suggestions for edits!
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