(W-repost) Rhesus Monkey & young one

! Rhesus Monkey & young one

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Technical Details

Canon R 5; RF 100-500 mm; ISO 5000; 1/400 sec. at f 8


Such a beautiful portrait of the mom and young one, Jagdeep. Stunning!

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What a cool portrait. If it were mine I’d darken the exposure some, and pump the contrast a little.

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Holy, double eye-contact, Batman! Fabulous portrait of our primate cousins. Gorgeous light and pose, too. Catchlights in both sets of eyes! Superb. Did you have to watch and wait long? I just love the tenderness here, for lack of a better word. Protectiveness, too. That little one is in good hands.

I’m sort of torn on the dark/light relativity. Obviously this is in a shade tree, but with full sun, so we expect things to be bright, however you could darken up the bg and see how it looks. If it still looks natural.

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Very pleasing portrait and family scene. I am enjoying the exposure and light.

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As per suggestions, I have adjusted some exposure with masking, but decided not to increase the contrast, as it might have killed the delicate mood here.

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Wow, your initial post is fantastic, but the repost is even better. Such wonderful light and incredible behavior. Awesome.

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What a beautiful & tranquil mother & baby portrait, Jagdeep! I love that both mother & baby are looking at you. The lighting is great and the details are crisp & clean. When viewing the large versions I prefer the first post. It’s cleaner & softer which helps with the gentle mood. The second version seems to have brought out the noise quite a bit. Maybe you used noise reduction on the first one & not on the second one?

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Killer shot and the second one is even better. Great emotion and the diagonal of the baby and mother’s arm leading to the face of the mother is a great composition. Everything works including the backlight. Behavior and emotion in an animal image really improves the impact and individuality.

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