This is a winter retake on the same image I posted in the fall with lots of beautiful colors. Here is the post of that photo Fall Delight This was taken about 7 miles from my house on a back road. I knew I wanted to capture this image again in the winter after a snow. I was able to do this last Monday when we got about 5" of snow overnight.
Type of Critique Requested
Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
Specific Feedback and Self-Critique
I took the opportunity last fall when I happen to have my camera in the car and passed by this spot. It was lit up like a Christmas tree with fall colors. Once I processed it, I knew I would return when the snow fell. I’m fascinated with this little river and it’s story. I won’t repeat it here, but if you want to get a little history about this small river, go to my fall post.
Technical Details
Sony a7r v 70-200mm @110mm
ss/1/160 handheld
ISO 500
What a long-lasting treat for the eyes and soul. My eye wants to wander all around, to see the intricate details, but it always centers up and lets me enjoy the whole scene … repeatedly! Your layers of winter colors are very important to the success of the image.
I wonder what the effect would be of decreasing luminosity of the snow in the bottom corners. Would the eye travel less to them? Hard to mess with perfection, though
Your fall image is beautiful, but I prefer this one. As you say: a river of serenity.
I have the same experience as @Dick_Knudson : the eye wanders over the image, but I don’t see this as a problem at all. The image doesn’t need a focal point. Great capture.
I thought this looked familiar! I remember the scene well - in fact you were award an EP! What a great location! This winter view is gorgeous as well.
I like Eva’s comment about the symmetrical composition - which this composition is solid. Love everything about this.
Quiet a monochromatic look to this - but most definitely those red/browns are the reason why this color version is so wonderful.
I can’t think of anything, other than agreeing a bit with Dick and dropping the brightness a bit - mostly in the LRC. The patch of snow is big and bright enough to consider slightly dropping it to keep the eye from wandering over there.
Otherwise, you’ve nailed another beauty from this spot. I’d be willing to bet you alread have your sights on the spring greens… eh?
Dick & Lon, I have a vignette around the edges to darken those areas, but guess it wasn’t quite dark enough. I won’t repost it, but I did go into PS and darken the vignette a little more and I think that may have taken care of your suggestions. Thanks so much!!
Thanks for your suggestion, Dick. I think considering that this is a winter scene and it was a very grey day without any sun, that warming the photo wouldn’t match with the day.
I love the filigree effect of the snow on the branches, the central composition pulling the viewer in along the river and the soft background. One for the wall, no doubt. Nothing to critique, IMO.
Donna, Excuse my being a later to your winter wonderland. I agree with all of the comments. The composition with the wrap-around foreground trees and reflective water keeps my eyes glued to the scene. And the layering trees in the background with repeated spots of white at the top adds to the comp even more. I also like the reds for interest and contrast and set up the really white snow. Superb.