Royal Bengal Tiger - Up, close & personal

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Happened to take this image in 2007, with my first DSLR Canon 30D & 500 mm f 4.5 lens. I was just stunned to see the quality, when processed recently.
Makes me wonder, if we really need all the latest equipment??

Technical Details


What eyes - and what a shot, Jagdeep! I’m glad you survived to give us so many more great tiger photos.


Beautiful, Jagdeep! I’m assuming this was in the wild, like all of your tigers?! You were able to get so close. Love the sweet pose. No, probably don’t need all the latest equipment, just the camera companies make us think we do! :slight_smile:


Astounding ! The tight crop and the perfect eye contact , along with a perfect exposure takes this to another level!
If I may suggest, darkening the background in the LUC and perhapas a little more space to the left of the tiger’s L ear
Sharpening - will make a nice print!

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Thanks friends !
@Vanessa_Hill this is a wild tiger, taken in Ranthambhor National Park and it is almost full frame !
At that point of time, I was very impressed with tight close ups taken by Art Wolfe.

It is funny how we update equipment and find gems taken with our old gear. A wonderful portrait and only wish for a little more space around the left ear. Pose and facial expression are wonderful elements of the capture…Jim

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Great shot - love the tightness - conveys the right story!

Honerstly, I am jealous!

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