From the high desert of Eastern Oregon nigh onto 6 years ago now. I posted a different pose from this bird in the Avian forum way back then, but in reviewing desert images for this challenge, I liked the direct stare and wind blown plumage in this image. This was a very special morning. I was on my way down from my only experience with a Sage Grouse lek and the Sage Thrashers were singing their heads off all the way down. Encountering this guy was the icing on the cake.
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7DII, EF 500 f/4 + 1.4 TC, beanbag on car window, f/5.6, 1/3200, iso 1250 (iso left over from early morning with sage grouse), aperture priority. Processed today using LR and PS CC. Cropped to 4148x2943. Taken March 21st, 2015.
Nice clean capture Dennis! I love the expression! There is look of annoyance in it’s eyes/head, seems to go with the ruffled back feathers.
This is a special image, perhaps reflecting the special circumstances – glad you dug it out for us to enjoy! He does look annoyed.
The BG color is perfect, but I’d be tempted to take a bit off the top to emphasize the horizontal nature of the composition.
Love the look, Dennis. Also the monochromatic color scheme, along with the barren tree, add to the deserted desert feel of the photo. Glad you were able to get this shot. Very nicely seen and captured.
Dennis, I always get a chuckle out of my interpretation that birds looking directly at the camera look mad, this one sure does. The head turn, ruffled feathers and subtle complementary colors throughout make an outstanding image.