What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
5D2, 70-200L f4@70mm, f11@1/8th , ISO 1600 ( forgot to change)
5D2, 70-200L f4@70mm, f11@1/8th , ISO 1600 ( forgot to change)
Danny, for some reason I don’t know why I like this kind of images. You have found a great title for it . And a good viewpoint to make a well cached composition . My only nit can be that I should crop out the for me distracting tree at the right.
Danny, I think this tree has a lot of character, and makes for a very interesting subject. Your arrangement of the trees branches in the composition is well thought out and nicely balanced. The moss and texture and of the tree bark is just wonderful.
I think the bright luminosity of the background makes it harder to appreciate the interesting details in the tree. My eye keeps getting pulled away to the bright background, and does not linger long enough on the tree itself. I did a rework where I decreased the luminosity of the background highlights, and I think this allows one to appreciate the details in the tree better.