Sequoia waters

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is from a trip to Sequoia National Park in July. There was an active fire in the park at the time so I was pulled to scenes like this one without any sky.

Specific Feedback

With the edit I tried to emphasize the color contrast between the cool water and the warm parts of the rocks. Successful?

Technical Details

190 mm; f/16; 1/6 s; 500 ISO.

Lovely rocks and water - you were successful in separating the colors. I get a vague feeling of imbalance from this, though. Maybe you intended that, but if not perhaps taking a bit off the bottom and right, so that the space between the rocks and the frame edge was more equal all the way around. Alternatively, if you have more on the left, maybe adding that back in. Anyway, it’s lovely and I can feel the cold rushing water.

Thank you, @Bonnie_Lampley. I appreciate the insight on the balance. I cropped in from the left to exclude some out of focus foliage and from the URC to exclude part of a rock, both of which I found distracting. I’ll try a re-crop to both exclude those things but also get better overall balance.