Sheet Music

I love starlings! I think they’re so funny. I think most of these were still juveniles. I was watching them landing on and taking off from the telephone wires. I waited until they were all looking the same way, which lasted for a second!

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
170 mm
ISO 400
Cropped to 16x9 converted to black and white


Very cool, with perfect composition/crop and title!

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Haha! Love the title. And this minimalistic image is cool.

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Vanessa, this is a fine “birds-on- the-wires” view. While turning this into a two tone version would fit your title even better, getting some detail in the birds is a good choice. It’s good that all were looking in the same direction.

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I love it, Vanessa. So perfect for b&w. Great catch. The slanting powerlines are so much better than if they’d been straight or if you cropped them that way.

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Thanks @Diane_Miller @Mark_Muller @Mark_Seaver @Kris_Smith for your comments! Glad you think the starlings work!