Starling Synchronization

I love starlings and how they fly so fast and in the same formation with each other. They are so acrobatic.

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Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400, 300mm, ISO 200, 1/1250, f/6.3
Converted to black and white and took a few 1/2 birds out from the edges

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There is a definite wavy pattern to their flight. I wonder if that could be accentuated by removing some the birds outside that pattern. I agree, it’s fun to watch these large flocks of birds that fly in such tight formation. I wonder how they do it.

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Nice wavy pattern, Vanessa. I like the B&W treatment too. And very few overlapping birds, a plus.

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Thanks @Allen_Brooks and @David_Bostock for looking and your feedback. Yeah, I see what you mean about trying to remove a few more birds… I’ll have to give it a go! Thanks!