Short -toed Eagle

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NIKON 500 f4
ISO 1400

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Superb detail, eye contact,exposure, and DOF. Pleasing wing position. I am on the fence about the flying dirt because there isn’t a lot of it and it pulls my eye away from the eagle. There is also a translucent cylindrical object below the wing on the left lower area of the image.

Excellent, Avi. Great pose and I don’t recall seeing this species posted before. I noticed the flying dirt, but I like it. Was it caused by the bird landing or grabbing prey?

I also see the bright piece of stubble that David noted and there’s another in the upper left-a couple of quick dabs with your favorite clean-up tool should take care of them.

David-Dennis thanks. The dirt is caused by the bird landing on prey.Will take care of those eyesores

Avi–This one is one of your best. The flying dirt is fine. It shows that these birds come in fast and hit their prey hard. Nature is not “lambs and candies”. Well done…Jim

Gorgeous bird and image! I love the eye contact and wing positions. I also like the flying dirt because I think it adds interest and a feel for the bird just landing.

Great eye contact and wing position as others have noted, Avi, and I too like the flying dirt. Excellent capture.

thanks to all for your input .I removed the 2 items as suggested :+1:

or the suggestions of

Good fix, Avi.