Silent Sentinel

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I made this image a week ago Friday while heading out to the mountains shoot the Aurora that night. There was some beautiful colour developing in the sky just past sunset so I stopped at a favourite spot of mine to take this photo.

Specific Feedback

Is there anything that jumps out at you in terms of composition or processing that I may have overlooked?

Technical Details

Shot with a Canon 5DIV and a Tamron 100-400mm lens at 120mm. The exposure was 1.3 seconds at f/11, ISO100. On a tripod of course.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Tom, this looks great. I like the transition from green to blue going up the mountain. Those cool colors contrast well with the pastel pink of the sky. I wouldn’t change a thing.

A really beautiful image. The sky is the standout, but the rest of the image really complements it. I think the three different layers of the forested slope, the snow covered mountain and the sky, really draw the viewers eye into the photo.

Where was this taken?

Thank you @Mark_Seaver and @WillR for your comments! What drew me to this composition was the three layers or bands of colour so I’m glad that is coming across.

Will, this was taken in Kananaskis, in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta.

What an interesting mountain! I agree with the others about the layers of color. The textures, too, are interesting.

This is a really tiny nit, but it “looks like” a processing artifact at the top of the mountain on the far left. It may be real, but just looks like an artifact.

Thanks @Bonnie_Lampley ! I think what you’re pointing out is some snow along the ridge line but I agree that it does look like a processing mistake, especially in a relatively small, web sized image so good catch. I’m going to need to have another look at that.

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Well that’s a bonus to catch a nice photograph on the way to photograph! The grand view backed up by nice color works well Tom.

What a view! The processing and composition look wonderful to me Tom. The layers work beautifully and I like the transition of colors from the cool green and blue tones of the mountains to the warm magenta in the sky. Nothing like getting one in the bag and you haven’t reached your original destination yet. No suggestions from me.

Thank you for your comments @John_Williams and @Ed_Lowe . I’m glad that the image resonates with you. :slight_smile: