Marian, what a nice and calming view you registered in this photo. I like how the small stream leading line starts off and takes us to the buoys in the lake. And just when you see the buoy line curving to the left, your eyes are glued to the beauty of the Orsorno volcano in the distance.
I don’t particularly see a need to emphasize the cloud collar by the volcano. I fear that it would look artificial and take away the calming effect the entire scene has. The haze and colors are just perfect whether in the water, clouds, or sky. My one suggestion to improve the photo would be to eliminate that small dark piece of land on the right.
This is really beautiful and nicely edited.
Outstanding warmth, color, and enjoyable composition.
Lovely colours in the sky and reflections Marian. The clouds and the mountain look rather noisy so I would be reluctant to brighten them. You could try using a curves adjustment along with a mask to darken just the shadows. I like the ripples in the water but I would try removing the buoys.
Marian, this is a lovely, peaceful view of Mt Osorno. Because the mountain and the clouds are very similar in luminosity, it would be very challenge to try to get better separation. The larger versions show distinct noise. Did you apply any noise reduction in processing? You haven’t provided any equipment or settings information. Without that info, making suggestions for improvements is very hard.
This is definitely a calming and inviting scene you’ve captured here. Love the soft light, the low clouds and the beautiful line of that stream.
Thanx Egidio for your kind comments.
Thanx Dave for your comments
I so appreciate your advice Andre. My standard ISO setting is 120/125 to try to avoid noise. I must spend much more time getting beyond what - for me - are just the basics of Lightroom. Your advice points me to the feature I will likely find most useful to start with.
Thanks for your comments Mark. It was an oversight to have left off the settings:
Camera: Sony RX100 VI. Zeiss 2.8-72 lens.
Setting for this pic: 1SO 125, f4, 1/8 sec.
In Lightroom I lightened the exposure by about 1 stop (I think).
How would I reduce the noise in production? I tend to stick to 120 (ish) to avoid noise.
All advice most heartily welcomed.
Many thanks for warm comments Tom