Southern Hospitality

Found this lovely girl stretched across the trail at Long Hunter state park in Tennessee. I think she is a type of orb weaver. I almost ran into her, but noticed a leaf dangling above the trail which pulled me up short. I couldn’t get any detailed shots of her, interesting as she was because the wind just kept blowing. So I opted for the silhouette approach. I love the way I even got the jaws outlined. Maybe you guys will like this one better than my first one for this week.

Specific Feedback Requested

It’s not totally in silhouette, but lacks a lot of detail - still good? How about the bits of web?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
I had a tripod with me, but don’t know if I used it for this.

southern hospitality

Lightroom for everything including a crop and some color slider management after the B&W conversion. Mostly to raise the yellows and oranges to brighten the bokeh. It was fall so everything back there got lifted. Sharpening and a little texture.


Kris this is creepy good! I love it.

Oh no. I didn’t really mean for her to be creepy, but I guess that’s going to be the popular reaction. I have always loved spiders and have been known to ooh and aww over them like they were baby chicks. Yean and I pat bumblebees, too. Crazy.

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