Enticing Handiwork


Image Description

Or rather leggiwork. Tiny flies may be lured by the brightness and shape of the grass flower to land there - and this autumn spider can then dine at its leisure .

Feedback Requests

Is it sharp enough?

Pertinent Technical Details

D500 + 105mm 1/1250 f10 ISO 1250 + flash

1 Like

Mike: Really cool detail in the grass head with all the dew and the spider hiding out. Love the bokeh as well. Nice find and capture. >=))>

Wonderfully seen and captured. Dew on spiderwebs , with a spider; doesn’t get much better. Love the matching background.

Mike - this is sweet! Wonderful dew that looks like lace, a great colourful BG, fine detail, and an elusive spider!

Mike, this is a neat find, well shown. I like the bands of color in the seed head and how thoroughly it’s covered in dew covered webbing. It’s set off well by the reddish tones in the background…plenty sharp.

Hi Mike,

I have no nits for you and find this comp interesting with lots of crisp detail. The spider is an additional treat. Awesome capture…Jim

Thanks @Bill_Fach @Mark_Seaver @Jim_Zablotny @SandyR-B and @glennie for your kind comments.

VERY nice and plenty sharp. I missed the spider but that is part of the charm of the image I think .