
A recent pattern shot of a beautiful patch of Star Flowered Lilly of the Valley.

Specific Feedback Requested

I really like this image and have played with several crops and perspective warps to get the edges right. I’m hoping this final(ish) version works. Overall, how’s the composition, lighting, color? I’m open to any and all feedback you have.

Technical Details

1/16th | f16 | ISO 800 | 49mm
Single image processed using photoshop. As mentioned, I used a combo of cropping and some perspective warp to minimize distracting edges. Other adjustments made to contrast and color.


Looks beautiful to me. The subtle light is wonderful and the little flower buds add a lot of visual interest (love your title!). The only really small nits I see are those two stems that touch the edge of the frame near the LLC. Probably just burning them down a bit would make them less noticeable.

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Thanks, @Bonnie_Lampley. Oh yeah, I agree with that feedback about darkening those stems. That’s great feedback! I appreciate it.

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This is really a beautiful composition and image, Matt! I didn’t notice the stems Bonnie mentioned at first, but I agree they could be darkened. The only thing that came to mind for me was that the most central set of leaves that point upward, slightly above and to the right of the center, are just a TINY bit too bright to avoid looking dodged. It’s very subtle, but they draw my attention a little too much.

Otherwise I really have nothing to say, because this is exquisitely balanced and processed. Dealing with the little white buds around the edges of an image like this, where they can be come distracting, can be a difficult endeavor—and I think you’ve probably done the best possible job with their placement! Come to think of it, maybe that singular white bud along the left edge of the frame could go… but I could go either way on that.

I really like the fact that the edges aren’t cleaned up and that numerous buds are close to them. This is somewhat similar in subject matter to one of @Alex_Noriega’s images but it’s more of a pattern shot rather than a single point of focus. I like each in its own way.

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Thanks so much, @Alex_Noriega! Though those are subtle changes, the feedback is super helpful. I’ve made edits based on the feedback from both you and @Bonnie_Lampley and I feel like my newest version is much better thanks to you both!

Thanks for the feedback, @Igor_Doncov!

Nailed it.

Very cool pattern in the leaves, like the colors and vignette also.

Can’t think of anything to improve on it

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This is quite beautiful as presented. I think any comments here would be considered tweaks, as opposed to correcting something big - of course which there are no big issues; looks like you’ve taken great care in processing and presenting. Well done!

Tiny suggestion - there’s one lone little white spec of a flower tip along the center left edge. Not a deal killer, but something to consider cloning that one little spec out.

Alternate processing? - It looks like you’ve got some natural or added vignetting - very tastefully done if in post. The would actually draw even more attention to those center leaves Alex commented on, but a slightly wider vignette with a very gradual and subtle transition light>dark/Center>edge. But only mentioning as alternate approach, not sure if that would be an improvement.

Beautiful image that really has little need for improvement!


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Thanks, @Lon_Overacker. Wonderful feedback. Here’s where I ended up after collecting my thoughts from the comments yesterday. I found a few other things that caught my eye as well and corrected those.


That’s superb, and the tweaks even better! I’m suspicious this would make a stunning black and white as well. I was just out photographing this plant a couple weekends ago. My version is now resting comfortably in the recycle bin after seeing this.

Haha ah man! Yeah I’ve found these patches plenty of time but they never worked until now so I’m sure you’ll find some. I actually did create a B&W version of it too and can’t quite decide which version I like better. Thanks for the thoughts man and I hope you find a version you’re happy with!