Stand strong

What makes this image expressive?

I had this image in my head for a couple years, I’ve always been drawn to lonesome trees. I think it’s because I relate to it in a way, I’ve learned that the strength within me doesn’t come from others but from that inner part of me so I see this image and to me it’s a reminder of that inner strength.

Specific Feedback Requested

Would there be anything you would change to reflect that? Whether it be the crop or anything else?


This is a very strong image Justin, striking, and really quite bold. I like the use of trees to symbolise strength, and I read a lot into this one.

The large expanse of white canvas may represent the infinite possibilities of our lives. Ever decision, every choice, every risk, every love, every chance. Every broken heart… We live in a big universe and I love the unconstrained feel of this.

Secondly, we look at the tree itself, black, silhouetted and erect. There is certainly strength there, but it is also fragmented, ragged, and irregular. Perhaps different trees represent various facets of your personality, and this one, is just that, one of them.

The next thing I find very interesting is the shadow. perfect side light, the 3 o’clock on the watch face. How different would this image be if the shadow was at a different angle, 4;30? The feel would be so different, the geometry would be more challenging.

All in all I think this is a fascinating image and one which I believe to be very expressive. My only suggestion would be to experiment with other aspect ratios. I am not the biggest fan of very tall verticals, and for me a 4x5 would retain the concept, but would be so much classy.


Thank you sir! I truly appreciate the feedback and the way you articulate it. I do love the 4x5 crop idea and how it subtly narrows in the emotion.

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I love this image! It is so bold and striking yet simple

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Wonderfully expressive image, Justin. Great story behind the scene. I’m in awe of how @Alister_Benn provides insight and feedback. Articulating how the shadow angle would tell a different story if it were at a different angle is something I never would have picked up on but he’s absolutely correct. I can’t add anything other than I think the 4x5 crop is a HUGE improvement and I probably would clone out the crack in the snow coming out of the shadow as it’s distracting. Great image.