Sweet Dreams

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was scouting for a good sunset location along Skyline Drive near Big Meadow when this group of trees caught me eye and Mother Nature did the rest

Technical Details

Sony a7RMIII 80mm f/8 30 sec - one stop

Wonderful purple/pink/orange/yellow colors. Those colors combined with the silhouette of the bare trees is compelling. One minor suggestion/question. The branches at the right edge of the frame feel a bit too close. Not sure if you cropped in any and could give a little more breathing room on that side? Or perhaps there was something else distracting on that side.

Shazam! What colors! I think this is very gorgeous capture of color against the bare trees. They allow you to see color you wouldn’t see when they are fully dressed out. Beautiful image. I do agree with Dean about the branches on the right side of the image. Takes things “off balance” a little bit. But still, a gorgeous shot!