The Fly and the Flower

I was taking photos of bees and needed to sit for a while next to some flowers and this little fellow was sitting there. I tend to ignore flies but this one would not move and had some color. I do have a insect book I picked up (a National Wildlife Federation book) and the best match I could find is the Green Bottle Fly, not sure if that is correct.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 90D 180 Macro f/3.5 at 1/250 f/180 iso 1000. Flower was a bit bright so used PS to tame it down. There was a bit of noise in the background so I used Sharpen AI and it did a pretty good job with the fly and the background. As always I use this or any other plug in as a smart object in Photoshop so I have a mask to control what I really want as the final result.

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Beautiful detail in the fly, Dean. Your processing of the white flower works very nicely in setting off the fly. Very nicely seen and capture.

Dean, a very nice capture of a very common insect. I was shooting some photos of one very similar to this the other day myself. I think the colors of them are pretty neat. You did manage the whites nicely.

Dean, the fly stands out well from the white surroundings with the details in the flower petals adding extra interest. A fine use of “spare time”.