The Royal Stag!

The Chital stag just stopped to take account of situation, as the herd of Asian Elephants was approaching.

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 7D; 500 mm; ISO 200; 1/500 sec. at F 7.1

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A beautifully composed and presented image. Th stag certainly stopped in a great position. The contrast in size of the animals is wonderful. The stag looks like a miniature in relation to the elephants even though he is closer to you.

I like this. It’s balanced and colorful and simple and just pleasing to look at. Your timing was perfect to get the stag right there in the middle, and the elephants cooperated by leaving that gap. Sweet!!

This is great, Jagdep, give yourself the editor’s pick. The colors are outstanding and the mix of Chital and elephants makes you wonder about what’s happening.