Theory of mind

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another ice formation on the Prairie River from last December and one that was a little tough to shoot because there are other rocks on either side of it that weren’t really coming together as a total composition. So I zoomed in and stayed relatively high on the tripod. I did try a few lower down, but for some reason opened up the lens and the DOF is too narrow to work.

Specific Feedback

Satisfactory separation with the formation itself? Had to crop a rock out and hope that there’s enough room for the composition to work. I like it for its floating quality, but not sure it’s enough to carry it.

Technical Details

Tripod & CPL and/or 2-stoppish ND filter

Lr for all processing including wb adjustment & crop. Masking to further work the softness and exposure of the water v the ice & rock which got more texture and contrast. Finished w/a slight vignette.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

The crop works for me – very well. Quite enough elbow room, and I don’t see any issue with DOF. I like the softness of the water and its movement. What a cool (no pun) little micro-world, with its own little cave!

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Great find. Very cool and very interesting ice formation. No issues with the surround space (and textures) - which means further that I don’t need to know this was cropped or what was outside the frame. I guess what I’m trying to say is that while I appreciate the machinations one goes through to frame, crop, move the tripod, etc. etc., the resulting image you’ve presented doesn’t make me think about any of that. And as the viewer, that’s fine by me. Said another way, great job presenting this as a complete image that doesn’t create a question (for me anyway) if you cropped or otherwise had trouble positioning for this result. Hope that makes sense.

I have no nits or suggestions. The surrounding water has just enough “flow”, texture and interest the compliments the icy details beautifully without competing.

i must say too that the ice formation has a bit of an “Alien” look to it. Think Sigourney Weaver and the “Aliens”

Thanks @Diane_Miller & @Lon_Overacker - I did get a bit defensive about my crop didn’t I? Ugh. Not sure why since as you say, it really doesn’t matter. I hadn’t noticed the Alien vibe, but now I do and I kind of dig that aspect as well. We just got a big rainstorm overnight and it’s been warm so pretty much all the snow and ice is gone, probably until the end of the year.

You’ve got a nice little project going Kris! This is a just an exquisite ice formation; it looks like a jewel that belongs in a museum. With that said, I really miss the water’s flow/smoothness/contrast that the prior post had. If this image had the same, I think it would make the ice really sing.

Hi Kris,
This would make a great companion piece to your prior post. The ice almost seems to be levitating over the flowing water of the river and your SS choice works nicely as there are some nice details in the moving water. I can see the Alien vibe that @Lon_Overacker alluded to; great movie BTW. IMO this would also make a wonderful B&W. Beautifully done; no suggestions from me.

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Kris, not at all! Apologies if my comment came across that way. I should have said we’ve all gone through such machinations attempting to photograph a subject. You’d laugh if you knew how many times I used my belt to hold back a tree branch, or lay my jacket over some tall grass… just to get me shot! No worries!

Thanks @John_Williams & @Ed_Lowe - thanks for taking the time to add your thoughts, too. Water flow is such an individual thing - I’d like a touch less texture in this one, but it was hard to dial in without a lot of filter changing and I think I got a little lazy. Plus it was in a slower part of the river so a longer shutter speed was necessary to get that effect. Definitely think I need to take more time with these. Next winter!

Alien is such a classic and it never gets old. The second one is almost as good as the first, but has such a different tone. Majorly quotable though. I often compare Alien & Aliens to Terminator 1 & 2 in terms of execution and vibe. Sure, Cameron did 3 out of the 4, but the relative low-budget flavor of the first of each series is very similar. As is the low lighting in both. Makes the menace much more palpable. Oy. I could talk movies for a long time.

Eeek…I put my foot in it, didn’t I, Lon. I didn’t mean to put you on the defensive, I just felt silly about going on about my crop too much. We do agonize over a lot in this pursuit and I’m glad you guys know how it is. All in the name of growth and getting the shot. I have done my share of moving and holding stuff out of the way, too. Usually nothing drastic, but once I hauled a long-dead tree out of a shot so it would work. Mostly it was a long log with the branches gone, but it was not just a twig either. :rofl:

Hi Kris,
I have to say that Alien and Aliens along with T1 and 2 are four of my all time favorite movies. I still remember Arnold stepping out of the biker bar in his borrowed clothes while George Thorogood was singing “Bad to the Bone”. I hear you on moving logs; I have done it as well.

I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.

oh and I love that he grabs shotgun guy’s Baloramas at the end. My hubby wore those back in the day…they’re still kicking around somewhere.

Wow, I’m finding this ice formation to be really menacing looking. A very toothy critter for sure. Alien comes to mind but so do alligators and crocodiles. Because of that I would wish for a little more contrast in the top of the ice formation because there is so much going on up there. However it might start competing with all of the teeth down below so maybe that wouldn’t work. It really does look like the ice is not touching the water and is levitating. Incredible. The water looks fine to me particularly the foreground water with just enough texture. The background water is less pleasing but not objectionable at all. All in all, a very fun image that goes well with your last image.