This is personal

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

I just wonder what you think when you see this image… anything…

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description


Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of meeting a black leopard. It seemed like something that would never happen. Black leopards are among the rarest animals in the world. Imagine how I felt this year when I not only saw a black leopard, but came face to face with it. In this photo it was about 10 feet away from me.

Laikipia, Kenya

Technical Details

ISO 3200
Only post processing = cropping to 1:1 ratio
Hand-held, use of bean bag, subtle wildlife spotlight

So now I would like to hear your updates about this version where I upped the blacks and the shadows a touch. Also I made the crop less tight as I noticed that on my first post I had cut of the end of a whisker! :scream:


Sadness because of the eyes. Seeking comfort.

Wow! I wouldn’t want to meet up with this cat in the dark at night. Beautiful blacks here and those eyes just grab you. Just enough light to see great details in whiskers and fur.

Great shot! I love the glowing eyes and overall mysterious feel of it. I would be tempted to try lightening the darks just a wee bit to add a bit more information to the darker areas without changing the impact or composition.

Thanks for the suggestion, Cathy, I will give that a try and see if I like that better. This is just exactly as it was photographed, I did nothing to it except for the crop.
Grt, Ingrid.

1 Like

Definitely more info in the darks now, but maybe a bit too much? On my phone now there’s a bit of a greenish cast in some areas. Might be the phone so you decide.

Hi Cathy
Here’s another one :sweat_smile:
I have a slight aversion for post processing, so I probably should spend more time on it than 10 seconds :wink:
Keep the comments going, though, all of you, as I am keen to hear what you all think of the 3 different versions.
Grt, Ingrid.

Ingrid, this is such a wonderful image and an awesome experience, I am sure.

I actually like the initial version best as it adds so much mystery to those glowing eyes. I also like the third version too.

Well done.

A great shot Ingrid.
The UK’s points go to version 1

Great subject, it is on my bucket list too.
I think, due to top angle perhaps, it is not looking, what it should look like.

Ingrid: this photo captures the essence of the cat. Great!!

Your original is still my favorite.

Ditto, I still like the original the best on this Ingrid.

Thank you all for your great feedback. I think I will stick with the original version as that is also how it came out of the camera, although I might add the end of that one whisker :grin: