Toccoa River Rapids

Kind of a fun time, climbing down from the adjacent road to get to rocks with tripod in one hand, ND filter carrying case in the other and camera around my neck.

Specific Feedback Requested

The dodging and burning. The photo as shot was pretty flat. I sometimes think I go overboard with creative edits.

Technical Details

f/18, 1 sec, iso 100, at 24 mm

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Scenes like this are my jam. Composition-wise I like it. Low and close. I like the tunnel effect you have going to the far distance. The far rock on the left intersects with the background in a way I would have tried to remedy in the field though. You’ve also got some blue water going on that could be fixed as well. And yeah, I think the dodging and burning went too far in bringing the overall tonalities too close together - you’ve lost some dynamic range that probably was there even if the light was flat. I’d have a go with it myself, but would prefer to work from an uncorrected jpeg. The shapes of the rocks are so inviting and I like your shutter speed as well. The balancing log is just terrific!


Lovely and tranquil scene. I like the colors, sat, and the treatment of the water. Also, as Kris points out, I like the viewpoint/perspective and the large rock coming in from the corner I think is a nice asset to the scene - sometimes a large presence like this might be distracting, but I think works very well here.

Not sure, but I think you added a vignette, which I think works well, especially on the left in framing and keeping the interest off the edges. Although alternatively, I’m wondering if even a small crop from the left might tighten the composition. Just a thought.

The only other suggestion I have might be to do some creative cloning. I think, but not sure, that you can see the road in the UR part of the scene? I’m assuming that line is the road from which you climbed down? Not a huge deal, but I think it could be obscured just a bit so it’s not one continuous line. Just a thought to consider.

Lovely scene and capture.


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Wow, Richard, this is an incredible scene. Well composed and excellently processed. The dodging and burning brought out a luminescence that works quite well.

I think @Lon_Overacker’s suggestions are good, but not essential to this image. Just brings it up another notch from an already awesome image.

Wonderful mood here! I really like the treatment and colors – a little dramatic but why not!! Looks easy to touch out the road.

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Wow! Amazing image Richard! This has such a classic feel to it. Like a Bierstadt painting with all those warm hues. I like the D&Bing and the vignette but I think the left side has gotten too dark since it was dark to begin with and it makes the image feel unbalanced. I brightened up the left side of the water and the BRC a small amount. Definitely worth the climb down.


thank you for the comments

thanks for you help

thank you so much

thank you for your insight