Trail within a trail

Jets on their way to Sea-Tac fly directly over Yakima; many times on the same airlane.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
7DII; 100/400 @ 100; spoy; -1/3; 400 ISO; WB auto; 1/2500th; 9.0. rotated 90 right. auto sharpen


Jim, this is an outstanding catch. The amount of “cloud seeding” from the first jet with its big rolling trail is quite remarkable. Then you’ve got the second (much higher) jet lined up in the earlier contrail.

@Mark_Seaver Thank you. It is interesting to see what happens to contrails .

This is so cool. What a great capture. I never would have guessed what created the tube-like strip of clouds.

This is so awesome, Jim! Very nicely seen and captured!

@Chris_Baird @linda_mellor Thank you.

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